Artist - Sam Carr

Learn about Sam Carr from the perspectives of professional blues musicians such as Terry "Big T" Williams and Andrew "Shine" Turner.

These videos are made possible through grants from the Mississippi Arts Commission, and the Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area.

Filmed by local filmmaker Coop Cooper.

Click on the images below to learn about Sam Carr from our tour guides.

Terry "Big T" Williams

"Big T" discusses how Sam Carr defined the beat of the Jelly Roll Kings and how Sam would talk to him and inspire him with knowledge about the blues.

View Virtual Tour

Andrew "Shine" Turner

Andrew "Shine" Turner tours the Sam Carr exhibit at the Delta Blues Museum and shares his stories of meeting and friendships with Sam and other blues musicians.

View Virtual Tour
Check out the Museum's YouTube Channel

This site made possible through the support of Mississippi Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Humanities and the Rock River Foundation.

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This publication was made possible through support provided by the National Park Service through Mississippi Delta National Heritage Area Partnership, Inc. and its Fiscal Agent, Delta State University, under the terms of Agreement No. H5041-10-0022. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Park Service, the Mississippi Delta National Heritage AreaPartnership, Inc. or Delta State University.

Exhibits, Events and More!

This site made possible through the support of Mississippi Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Humanities and the Rock River Foundation.

Support for the Delta Blues Foudation, Inc has been provided by, a direct charitable activity of the Annenberg Foundation.

Museum Contact information

Click here for directions
#1 Blues Alley Lane
Clarksdale, MS 38614
Phone: 662-627-6820