Coahoma to Celebrate 60th Anniversary with Exceptional Events Opening March 30th
Lee Williams, Jackson Southernaires to Perform
CLARKSDALE ‐ The celebration of Coahoma Community College's 60th anniversary as an educational leader in north Mississippi promises a week of exceptional activities March 30th through April 3rd, according to Founders Day organizers.
"Our 60th anniversary is an exciting and important milestone; we invite alumni, supporters, family, and friends to join our events honoring our past and ," celebrating our present and future, commented CCC president Vivian Presley.
All events are free, open to the public, and are staged in the Pinnacle on CCC's main campus, 3240 Friars Point Road.
"Outstanding music, drama, and tributes to alumni serving as Mississippi school superintendents are among the programs we are looking forward to presenting," reports Rita Hanfor, assistant director of CCC alumni affairs.
Opening events at 7 p.m. Monday, March 30, will be a Gospel Explosion featuring four groups: Lee Williams and the Spiritual QC's, the Jackson Southernaires, The Myles Family, and the Voices of Joy.
At 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, Lance Brown Productions will present a humorous/motivational drama, "Backslap."
Founders Day will be observed at 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 1, with alumnus Dr. Lonnie Edwards, superintendent of Jackson Municipal Schools, delivering the keynote address.
Honored will be CCC employees with 20 years of service to the college including technology specialist William West and also alumni who are serving as Mississippi school superintendents.
The six superintendents are Dr. Edwards, Dr. Valmadge Towner,
Quitman County School District; Pauline Rhodes, Coahoma County School District; Dr. Cedric Ellis, Shaw School District; Charlie T. Kent Jr., Meridian School District; and Dr. Gwendolyn Page, East Jasper County School District.
Unveiled also will be a mini-documentary recorded by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Scott Jennison.
Activities for the remainder of the week will be announced by the Founders Day Committee.

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This site made possible through the support of Mississippi Arts Commission, National Endowment for the Humanities and the Rock River Foundation.
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