03 John Lee Hooker "House of the Blues" CD

03 John Lee Hooker "House of the Blues" CD
John Lee Hooker's "House of the Blues" cd, is a compilation of individual tracks released between 1951 and 1952.
Our PriceUS$18.00
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In 1951 Delta emigre' John Lee Hooker was a Detroit resident enjoying the raging success of recent singles and gearing up to wax his urgent folk blues for a host of record companies under various "noms de blooze". Chess Records was one of the firms, and twelve sides cut between 1951 and 1952, eventually turned up on this 1959 recording. Hooker's singing, lubricious and steely, inveighs against annoying women; his rudimental guitar is exciting; and his stamping the plywood floor in ruttish insistence makes for exemplary blues rhythm.
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