Chasing the Blues: A Traveler's Guide to America's Music

Chasing the Blues: A Traveler's Guide to America's Music

Tracing the music back to it's geographical and cultural origins in the Delta is key to understanding how the blues were shaped.  Authored by Josephine Matyas and Craig Jones

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Chasing the Blues explores the roots of the blues - the music birthed in the Mississippi Delta by African Americans who fashioned a new form of musical expression grounded in their shared experience of brutal oppression. They used the power of music to survive that oppression, creating a simple-in-structure, emotionally complex form that transformed and upended culture and became the bedrock of popular song. By appreciating the roots of this most American style of music, readers will have a richer experience listening to songs and visiting blues' holy and sacred sites.

Softcover, 288 pages

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